10 Things to Know about Medical Treatment in Dubai

The health sector in Dubai comprises of many public and private hospitals equipped with the latest technology and qualified physicians. The government supports this sector by ensuring that everybody gets access to medical care.

Improvements in Medical Treatment

UAE’s health sector is sophisticated with state of the art technology and government support to ensure the well-being of the people.

Below are some of the ways you can access medical treatment easily:

Patient Engagement

The Dubai Health Authority has made it possible for patients to access healthcare services by developing relevant apps, for example, ‘Tummy Fish’ that reminds children to drink water.

Electronic System

There is an automated system that connects all Ministry of Health clinics and hospitals in Dubai. It enables doctors to access patients’ medical records and other information easily.

10 Things to Know about Dubai Medical Treatment

Dubai is among the leading cities in the world when it comes to medical treatment. For you to get a clear view of this, we’ve compiled a list of 10 things that you need to have in mind:

1. Public Healthcare

The Dubai health Authority ensures that the hospitals in the city have qualified personnel, enough medicine, and modern technology. The government regulates public healthcare facilities.

2. Private Healthcare

This sector also offers effective treatment, and one can choose the facility they wish to visit especially if they have health insurance.

3. Medical Cards

Citizens are required to have a healthcare ID to access medical service in both public and private health facilities.

4. Health Insurance

Medical cover is compulsory for all Dubai residents. Employers are required by the law to provide medical insurance cover for their employees.

5. Primary Care

You can receive primary healthcare services from public or private health facilities. They offer general outpatient services to children and adults.

6. Maternal Health

Expectant women are advised to register with a health facility as soon as they get the chance and this should not be after the seventh month. Residents are free to register with either a public or private hospital.

7. Specialist Care

A doctor’s referral is optional to seek a specialist’s care. Although you don’t need a referral, consulting your primary care physician is necessary.

8. Emergency Treatment

Public health facilities provide free treatment for all emergency conditions for all residents. Private clinics also treat emergency cases, although, their services might be expensive without medical cover.

9. Dental Care

Receiving dental services can be quite expensive especially for people with no insurance. Medical cover will clear some if not all the bills you incur for the services.

10. Medicines

You can access prescription or over-the-counter medication from certified pharmacies. However, the law is strict and does not allow some medication to be sold or purchased. Narcotics such as morphine are restricted and psychotropic medicines are only sold with a valid prescription.

Understanding the healthcare system in Dubai enables you to be ready in case you need medical attention.