Let Face Yoga Give You a Glow

Move over fillers and Botox—there’s a new treatment in town—GlowinFace—an unparalleled facial yoga treatment founded by Karin Velikonja. Available at Health and wellness facility, The Beauty Oasis Spa, this ones and sculpts facial muscles, thereby preventing them from sagging and losing volume. The best part also is it can work to soften wrinkles and dark circles, giving a lit from within glow.

Face Muscles

No doubt, skin-care is important, but there are more than 50 muscles on the face that are all closely linked. More than half of these muscles are not used and over time, these can become atrophied. With time and because of gravitational forces, these unused muscles could actually shrink in volume and sag, which ultimately results in the appearance of wrinkles.

The Concept

Based on face mapping and Chinese medicine, wrinkles, discoloration, and acne are believed to have a deeper meaning as every part of the face is connected to a specific organ in the body. Frown lines for example, are linked to overactive liver energy while dark circles are linked to weak kidney energy.  These can be balanced and restored using this facial yoga technique—both for toning and sculpting the face, and also balancing the meridians by boosting blood circulation, and stimulating collagen production.

The Technique

During the treatment, each exercise works on a different facial muscle to boost volume and achieve a completely natural facelift. The workout is followed by a mask and serum application to cool down the muscles. For long term results, 5 to 10 treatments are advised, as determined in the initial consultation.

Visit: www.thebeautyoasisspa.com