Productivity Hacks

Everyone loves to be in that certain flow where they are ticking off one task after the other from their list of things to do. Here’s how to make the most of your day.


• Before sleeping, write down the tasks you want to accomplish the next day.
• Get adequate amount of sleep the night before.
• Wake up at least 10 minutes earlier than your usual time.

Your To-Do List

• Make a realistic to-do list: In a hurry to get everything done most of us tend to cram the to-do list with too many tasks and this in turn discourages us to do anything at all. A very simple solution to this is being realistic about the important tasks and writing specifically only that what needs to be done on that particular day.
• You can make your to-do list effective by penning down only the most important 3 big tasks for the day.

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that helps millions of people to have short spans of hyper focus sessions where they are single-mindedly involved in their tasks (one at a time) for 25 minutes. After the timer goes off a short break of 5 minutes is taken and the timer is set again. After 4 sessions a long break is advised. This helps to keep distractions at bay.

Clean Workspace

• Having a clean and organized workspace is vital in keeping your focus on your given task. Physical clutter has been proven to affect mental clarity and as a result reduce productivity.
• The best measures are to have a designated space for everything on your desk and keep the surface clutter free at all times.
• Put everything inside the drawers and keep only bare minimum stationeries on the desk. Wipe down your desk daily and if you are interested bring some minimalism into your surroundings.

Other Tips

• Our brain is very active in the mornings and hence, it is ideal that you spend your first 90 minutes on your most important task.
• Breaking down a huge task into 2 or 3 smaller tasks will increase your effectiveness and small victories will give you momentum
• Take inspiration from the GTD system by David Allen where he mentions, “If something can be done in 2 minutes, do it now”

(Written by: Soumya Midhun, blogger and vlogger)