Hair Woes in Teenagers

With today’s fast paced lifestyles, hair loss and thinning is no longer a middle- age problem. The same problems are plaguing a growing number of young people. Here are some tips to help your teenager maintain shiny, healthy hair.   

The overuse of harmful products, including alcohol based hair gels, is perhaps the biggest culprit in teen hair woes. Harsh climates and bad lifestyle choices such as too much fast food, very little exercise, and not enough water are equally to blame for this confidence- shattering condition.  

Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy 

  • Chemical-based hair products and heat should be avoided. It would be unthinkable to subject your skin to these things so don’t subject your hair to them either.  
  • Look after your hair from the inside. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Sweetened or fizzy drinks are not a replacement for pure, clean water.  
  • Up your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Since hair is made of protein, make sure you get plenty in your diet. There are hardly any nutrients in junk food, which may be a contributing factor to baldness. Feed your hair if you want to keep it. 
  • Too much heat or the sun can seriously damage your hair. You protect your skin and your hair requires equal care. Cover it up when you’re outdoors. Hair does not respond well to sudden changes in temperature so avoid icy air conditioning.  
  • Increase the blood flow to your scalp with exercise. Cardio, power walking, swimming, aerobics with a few friends, cycling, yoga, Pilates, dancing in front of the TV – anything that gets you moving is good. 
